Call of duty cold war vehicles multiplayer
Call of duty cold war vehicles multiplayer

call of duty cold war vehicles multiplayer

You can get a look at how all that looks in action to the tune of Billy Idol's Rebel Yell below.

call of duty cold war vehicles multiplayer

Using a satellite tracker, players will need to escort a Rover that detects dimensional portals and then kill anything that's crawled out of these space-time anomalies (usually zombies) once they're located. Outbreak, which is interconnected with the Call of Duty series' on-going Dark Aether storyline, asks that players band together to achieve objective-based challenges across the largest multiplayer maps in 2020's Black Ops Cold War. Treyarch and Activision have released a gameplay trailer for Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War that shows off Outbreak – the open-world Zombies experience.

Call of duty cold war vehicles multiplayer